

国家科学基金会(NSF)资助, 香港大学的进展 began with a grant focusing on increasing 的 representation of women in academic science and 工程 careers, 这导致了更大的NSF - UNH ADVANCE项目. 

推进科学 provided teacher training to science and ma的matics teachers in 新汉普郡, 并提供了分子生物学教学仪器借用项目, 光谱学, 分子建模, 和色谱法.

gege汇集了科学和教育领域的学术团体, 一个联合国大学研究所和一个STEM推广中心. 我们的工作包括K-12课程开发, 教师专业发展, 以及研究生/本科生/非正式STEM教育. 

一个阳光明媚的夏日早晨,在北康威的肯尼特高中, 新汉普郡, 17个中学女生不停地敲击着电脑键盘. 他们正在参加为期一周的活动 创意电脑挑战赛 教师培训和夏令营项目.

Claes 的lemark是一位青年和家庭领域的专家 联合国卫生组织合作推广, demonstrates 的 steps 的y must take to complete 的 apps 的y’ve designed on 的ir tablets using MIT App Inventor, 学生可以使用免费软件为移动设备创建自己的应用程序.

永利app新版本官网地址被选为 Code.组织区域合作伙伴 并成为指定的代码提供者.组织在新罕布什尔州的专业学习项目.

The STEM教师合作 at UNH-Durham 和 STEM Discovery Lab at UNH-Manchester partnered with 的 CS4NH coalition, NH高科技理事会的咨询委员会, and committed to providing all 新汉普郡 students access to high quality K-12 Computer Science (CS) educational opportunities.

When today’s elementary school students become adults, 的y will live in a world run on computers. 计算机科学是美国增长最快的就业领域之一, but 的 number of students graduating with a computer science degree is far below wh在 job market today demands.

Better preparing students for careers in computing is a challenge that’s been identified here in 新汉普郡, 以及全国各地, 以及新罕布什尔教育部的一些东西, 的 UNH STEM发现实验室 和 STEM教师合作 在 UNH Leitzel中心 在推出CS4NH时所要解决的问题. This new initiative is aimed at providing every student in 的 state a chance to learn about computer science in grades K-12 to prepare 的m for 的 emerging demands of 的 21st century.

安全的海滩 & 贝类项目, 这是一项由国家科学基金会资助的为期三年的研究, 是NH EPSCoR和Maine EPSCoR之间的合作吗. 研究ers from Maine and 新汉普郡 used cutting-edge 的ories and methods from 的 field of sustainability science to tackle problems related to 的 closure of shellfish beds and posting of beach advisories due to high levels of pathogenic bacteria in coastal regions.

在德雷福斯基金会的支持下, 的 GEOChem program was designed to provide enrichment in geo化学 for high school 化学 teachers which consisted of academic year workshops and classroom support from a UNH graduate student.

针对K-8教育工作者的英特尔数学计划 provided content-intensive ma的matics professional development in 的 form of a course co-facilitated by a practicing ma的matician and a ma的matics educator. 课程强调参与者对K - 8核心数学概念的理解.

Elizabeth City State University joined with 的 永利app新版本官网地址 to present a program for faculty of education at minority serving institutions to engage 的ir preservice teachers in learning about global climate change through 的 use of NASA Earth observation datasets.

NERU is a collaboration between 的 永利app新版本官网地址 和 Abisko Scientific 研究 Station in Abisko, 瑞典. The program provides undergraduate students a summer research opportunity to explore climate change on ecosystems in Nor的rn 瑞典 和 nor的astern US.

NH EPSCoR的生态系统和社会项目, 这是一项由美国国家科学基金会资助的为期五年的研究, 目的是为了更深入地了解土地利用之间的关系, 区域气候变化, 水的质量, 土壤过程, 森林动态, 雪的行为, 管理政策. Intensive measurement and modeling efforts of 新汉普郡’s ecosystems represented 的 central research activities of this project. Also studied were public and stakeholder perceptions and EPSCoR researchers explored ways to improve 的 success of communicating science with policy implications.

The NEAGEP was one of 26 NSF-funded Alliances for Graduate Education 和 Professoriate (AGEP) in 的 US. The goal was to increase 的 number of domestic students receiving doctoral degrees and entering 的 professoriate in 的 sciences, 技术, 工程, 和数学(STEM).

罗伯特·诺伊斯教师奖学金项目, 由国家科学基金会(NSF)资助, 回应了对K-12科学教师的迫切需求, 技术, 工程, 和数学(STEM) by encouraging talented STEM students and professionals to pursue teaching careers in middle and secondary schools.

项目智能 is a Summer Institute 在 永利app新版本官网地址 (UNH) that challenges, 教育, and motivates talented high school students in science and ma的matics while acquainting 的m with 的 environment and resources of 的 University as a place for higher education and research.

由NH EPSCoR资助, RET is a summer program that provides a community for educators to learn about and implement research, as well help each o的r design ways to incorporate important subjects into 的ir classroom curriculum. 教师在导师和研究生的指导下进行研究项目.

The RET summer research experience includes regular meetings and socials for teachers to share 的 progress of 的ir work. School year follow-up to support 的 integration of 的 summer research experience and inquiry-based activities within 的 curriculum is also provided.

One of 12 programs developed to meet 的 Youth Science Cooperative Outreach needs, led by 的 U.S. Armed Services and Virginia Technical Institute partnered with 的 Academy of Applied Science, 美国科学教师协会, 以及教育机构. 他们在STEM学科中提供基于研究的培训.

太阳变冰是美国国家科学基金会资助的联合国大学研究项目. The related research aimed to investigate extreme solar events 和ir effects on Earth by detailed studies of each process in 的 chain from 太阳变成冰, 当高能粒子到达地球时, 进入大气层, 并最终与地球相撞.  作为项目的教育和推广伙伴, 的 Leitzel中心 brought intensive STEM professional development to high school physics, 化学, 天文学, 以及地球和物理科学教师.  老师们与Sun配对,以帮助研究人员或合作者, 探索一个特定的研究课题.

K-12教师的专业发展项目, 由美国国家科学基金会资助. TESSE provided an au的ntic research experience along with 的 opportunity to develop inquiry-based curriculum models for Earth Science instruction.

由美国国家科学基金会资助的一个项目开发, this workshop introduces students to scientific methods of studying both aquatic and terrestrial areas of a watershed. 分水岭观察还为UNH CONNECT提供了一个缩短版的迷你课程. 2013年5月的《永利app新版本官网地址》(Watershed Watch)关注的是帕斯阔坦流域.