

停车, 运输, Traffic Control, Campus 服务


A:        No 部门管理周末入住.  Move-in weekend is a highly collaborative initiative between many campus departments.  然而,主要部门是:

是不是警察 lot closure 和 parking lot enforcement, traffic control, pedestrian safety, 和 community policing.

停车场(校园服务处) – parking enforcement after daily move-in operations cease, 停车许可证问题, 申请及发放.

学生生活和住房办公室 从路边到房间的搬迁行动

Q:        Should I come to campus during move-in weekend?

A:        多年来, we have developed proven strategies for managing the experience for students 和 their families.  The process works well thanks to the outst和ing cooperation from faculty 和 staff whose work is less directly related to move-in 和 accommodate this annual request for patience 和 flexibility.  请考虑, 在你的主管同意的情况下, 更改您的到达和离开时间, 或者在校外工作, 特别是在星期五, 8月25日th.


A:        大部分校园停车场都将被拆除 “关闭” 为了支持学生的入住行动.  如果你在这几天要通勤去学校的话, please be aware of conditions that may impact travel 和 parking (和 that could result in cars being towed at the owner’s 费用 if they are left in parking lots designated as “关闭”).

请预测, 做好准备, last-minute changes 和 additional directions from the 是不是警察 who will be supervising parking 和 traffic during move-in days.  For more information please e-mail or call Deputy Chief 史蒂文 Lee at:  史蒂文.Lee@主要研究.edu or 603-862-1427.


A:        星期五day “First Year Student Move-in – 只有” 8/25/2023

午夜至下午4时“关闭”的停车场: 很多, B-Lot, 书院道访客地段, 校园过街访客地段, D-lot, F-lot, H-lot, P-lot, 众多, U-Lot, 溪道地段(各段), Philbrook很多, 埃奇伍德游客区, 环形地段, 康格里夫很多, 以及学术大道沿线的所有空间. 停在这些停车场的车辆 “会” 他被拖到了 主人 费用. 

Resident Only permit lots that are “关闭” midnight – 4:00 pm: e -地段,e1 -地段,e2 -地段,常绿地段及 斯特拉福德很多.

周六“山墙 & 伍德赛德 Move-in”2023年8月26日

午夜至下午4时“关闭”停车场: 很多,圣人之路访客.  所有车辆停在封闭地段 “会” 被拖到 主人 费用.


停车 lots that are 关闭 “关闭”, midnight – 4:00 pm: 很多, B-Lot, 校园路口访客地段, D-lot, F-lot, H-lot, P-lot, 众多, U-Lot, 溪道地段(各段), 埃奇伍德游客区, 环形地段, 书院道访客地段, 康格里夫很多.

所有在封闭地段的车辆可被拖至 主人 费用.


A:        星期五day, “First-Year Student Move-in “只有” 8/25/2023

Resident Only permit lots that are “关闭” midnight – 4:00 pm: e地段、e1地段、E-2地段及常青地段

停车场“开放”供新入职员工使用: r区,g1区,m区,n区, 桅杆上很多, Mathes Lot, Moiles Lot, Barton/Cole Lot, Field House East & West lots, T-Lot, Sage Way Visitor, Z-lot, Leavitt Lane, Grounds & 活动区,科洛沃斯路区, 西区地段, 和 any other remote parking lots west of the rail road tracks, 以上未列为“关闭”, may be used by faculty/staff with valid parking permits.

山墙 & 伍德赛德 parking lots, 和 Boulder Field are available for faculty/staff on “周五只有“.

Resident Only permit lots “OPEN” for permitted residents: 居民东,盖布尔斯和伍德赛德地段.

星期六,《永利app新版本官网地址》 & 伍德赛德 Move-in”2023年8月26日

居民停车场“开放”,只允许: 山墙, 伍德赛德, E-Lot, E1-Lot, 和 E-2-lots may park in their assigned lots after completing move-in. Vehicles without a valid resident permit will be towed.

“开放”停车场: All campus parking lots not listed under 关闭 lots are open.


“开放”停车场: All campus parking lots not listed under 关闭 lots are open. We strongly encourage those with "Resident" parking to utilize 桅杆道地段西区地段 通过迁入操作.

居民停车场“开放”,只允许: 山墙, 伍德赛德, e地段、e1地段、E-2地段及常青地段. 

Q:        Is t在这里 an online campus map that I can print to help me locate parking lots on campus?

A:        是的,去: http://www.主要Research.edu/transportation/parking/campus-parking-maps 或下载 联合国卫生组织流动应用程式 for maps, bus schedules 和 many other helpful tools to navigate campus life.


A:        If you would like to assist during move-in, you may contact Colleen Sullivan (科琳.sullivan@主要研究.edu )住宿生活.  She will assign you a role 和 provide information about w在这里 to park.


A:        Resident Only permit lots that are “关闭” 星期五day, 8月25日th midnight-4:00点: e -地段,e1 -地段,e2 -地段.  星期五休馆 只有.  We need the parking lot to stage first year students 和 their families for unloading into their residence hall.
Resident only permit lots that are “OPEN” 星期五day, 8月25日th ——山墙 & 伍德赛德很多.

周六开放的居民停车场 & 8月26日星期日th 和27th,只允许: 山墙, 伍德赛德, E-Lot, E1-Lot, 和 Evergreen lots may park in their assigned lots. Vehicles without a valid resident permit will be towed. Please note: E2-Lot will be 关闭 on 太阳day to facilitate move-in.

Q:        Do I need to move my car if I’m a Hall or Assistant Director?

A:        No, 然而, a 警察 Officer may ask you to move your vehicle if it impedes move-in operations

Q:        Can I park in h和icap parking areas during move-in operations?

A:        是的 & No.  It depends if the lot or loading dock area is 关闭 to move-in operations.  Please contact Deputy Chief 史蒂文 Lee at 603-862-1427 if you have any questions.

Q:        Can I leave my car overnight move-in weekend?

A:        No. 除非你有有效的居民停车许可证.  Vehicles without a valid resident permit will be towed.

Q:        Will the transportation buses be operating during move-in weekend?

A:        在搬进来的周末,公交时间和路线会有所不同.  Please visit transportation services website for up-to-date information: http://www.主要Research.edu/transportation/buses-shuttles

问:我是一名管家,要通宵工作.  我应该把车停在哪里??

A:        The 联合国警察部门 will issue the housekeeping supervisor dashboard permits for housekeepers needing to park in lots until 5:30 am.  Housekeepers who need to park during the day should use an “OPEN” lot in the FAQ list above.

Q:        I’m a faculty member 和 need to access my office on 8月25日星期五th.  我在哪里停车??

A:        多年来, we have developed proven strategies for managing the experience for students 和 their families.  The process works well thanks to the outst和ing cooperation from faculty 和 staff whose work is less directly related to move-in 和 accommodate this annual request for patience 和 flexibility.  请考虑, 在你的主管同意的情况下, 更改您的到达和离开时间, 或者在校外工作 特别是在星期五, 8月25日th.  Accessing campus after 3:00 pm is best for move-in operations.  另外, 校友中心, 和盖布尔斯停车场, 和 Boulder Field (weather dependent) are available for faculty/staff on “周五只有“.

Q:        W在这里 can I find out what is going on during Move-in Weekend?

A:        You can find a schedule for key new student-related activities using the link to Wildcat Days at: http://www.主要Research.edu/new-students/wildcat-days

Q:        Will the 图书馆 be open 和 available for new 和 returning students?

A:        You can access all the information regarding our libraries 和 services by clicking 在这里.    


A:        You can find a schedule for key student-related services below, 获取最新的信息, 浏览各部门网页:

Stow & Go (Stoke, Williamson, Christensen, Upper Quad) 和 Early 入学
太阳,8月. 20  上午9点到下午12点
星期二,8月. 22  上午9点到下午12点
入学 8月20日星期日 研究生 9 am-noon
  8月25日星期五 一年级学生  8 am-4pm
  8月26日星期六 山墙/伍德赛德  9 am-4pm
  8月27日星期日 Upperdivision学生  9 am-4pm
警察 911 or 603.862.1427
消防部门 911 or 603.862.1426
  星期五. 8月. 25 坐. 8月. 26 太阳. 8月27日
住房 603.862.2120 8 am-5pm 在山墙 & 伍德赛德 9 a-4p 9 am-4pm
健康 & 健康 603.862.9355 is 24/7 9 am-4:30pm 关闭 关闭
餐厅 Holloway共用 6:30 am-6:30pm 早上7点到下午3点 上午8时至晚上9时
  Philbrook 上午九时至下午六时三十分 7:00am-2:00pm 上午8时至晚上9时
  野餐(鱼缸)   4:30pm-7pm  
  乳制品酒吧 8 am-4pm 关闭 关闭
  联邦法院 关闭 关闭 关闭
  Wildcatessen 关闭 关闭 5 pm-1am
  Philbrook咖啡馆 关闭 关闭 关闭
设施 603.862.1437是24/7(紧急情况)      
  控制中心 6 am-4:30pm 7 am-4pm 7 am-4pm
IT服务台支持 603.862.4242 is 24/7      
  图书馆 7:30am-6pm 10 am-6pm 10 am-6pm
MUB 建设时间 8 am-10pm 10 am-11pm 10 am-11pm
  花岗岩广场站(收发室) 9 am-4pm 10 am-1pm 关闭
  游戏的房间 7-10pm 关闭 6-11pm
  校园服务-身份证,停车,餐饮 8 am-7pm 11 am-3pm 关闭
  书店 朝九晚五的 10 am-6pm 10 am-5pm
校园娱乐 哈默尔娱乐中心 6 am-9pm 9 am-9pm 9 am-9pm
  户外游泳池 2 pm-7pm 从1点到5点 从1点到5点
  Mendums池塘 关闭 关闭  关闭
  路线3、4 减少6:30am-7pm 没有服务 没有服务
运输 精简服务连接器 6:40am-5pm 没有服务  
  入学连接器 上午8:30 -下午4:30 没有服务 上午九点半至下午四时
  周末连接器 没有服务 没有服务 午夜12点
政治行动委员会 603.862.2090 is 24/7 关闭 关闭 关闭
SHARPP 603.862.7233 is 24/7 早上9点到下午4点——减少工作时间 关闭 关闭
图书馆 钻石 7:30am-6pm 10 am-6pm 10 am-8pm 
  Kingbury 8 am-4:30pm 关闭 关闭
注册商   8 am-noon & 1 pm-4:30pm 关闭 关闭
学生财务服务 斯托克城大厅  8 am-4:30pm 关闭 关闭