


  • 如果你有你需要的信息和时间来安排面试, 但我需要一些帮助来组织你的方法, 我们可以帮你准备.
  • A member of Media Relations or a colleague can sit with you during an interview. This can reduce the tension or intimidation of being in a room or broadcast studio with a reporter.
  • 提前通知可以帮助我们计划并最大化你的覆盖范围. 如果你有永利app新版本官网地址一项研究或一本即将出版的新书的消息, 请在出版日期前至少两周与我们联系.
  • If you’re looking for event coverage, please submit the details at least a month in advance. This allows interested news reporters time to plan and schedule their coverage.
  • While we discourage nitpicking over minor details or the angle of a published story, do alert Media Relations if there are factual errors and we will help address them.


请与公共关系执行总监Tania deLuzuriaga联系 塔尼亚.deluzuriaga@raynoldsnarh.net.


记者的工作期限很紧, so try to respond promptly to requests from the news media – within a few hours if possible.

  • 询问记者的名字, 他或她代表的是什么媒体, 故事的大致内容和角度, 最后期限.
  • 不要觉得马上回答面试问题有压力. 如果你犹豫, 坦率地问, “现在是面试了吗?还是你想先安排一下??"
  • It’s perfectly acceptable to ask for more time if you need to prepare your response or gather information.

无论哪种方式,都要让记者知道你是否有空发表评论. 如果是这样:

  • Talk to the reporter about the interview length and location, and agree to a callback. 时间,电子邮件通信或亲自面试.
  • 了解面试是否会被录音.
  • 对于镜头前的采访 ReadyCam®广播工作室 is available on the ground floor of the New England Center on the Durham campus. This can save on the expense of travel to television stations in Manchester or Boston.

Once you’ve agreed to speak with a reporter, you’ll want to frame your thoughts and approach.

  • 决定你想要传达的关键点. 你想说什么?
  • Be ready for controversial questions by trying to anticipate some of them in advance, 并写出简短的答案.
  • 不要老想着你不想回答的问题. 而不是, inform the reporter if you think a question is out of line or has little to do with the subject.
  • It’s also OK to tell a reporter when you don’t have an answer for a particular question.
  • 记住你的听众. 想想你的新研究如何适用于“现实世界”,“或者一项新的立法将如何影响当地家庭.
  • Save the academic jargon for professional journals and use more conversational language that everybody will understand.
  • 假设你对记者说的一切, 无论是在面试中还是在杂货店里, 记录在案吗.而你可以告诉记者某些信息是“非公开的”,” it’s best to avoid confusion by not saying anything you wouldn't want to see in print or on the local news.
  • 保持评论简短扼要. “少即是多”的技巧尤其适用于广播的声音片段. 专家对新闻广播的评论很少超过一两句话, 所以尽量把每个回答的时间限制在20秒左右.
  • 如果你关心一个故事的技术方面, 礼貌地请记者把你的话再读一遍.
  • 在文章付印之前,不要要求记者寄给你一份副本. 很少有人会,而且大多数人会因为你的要求而生气.
  • 通过重申你的要点来结束面试是很有帮助的, 并确认记者对他们有清楚的了解.”
  • Please don't ask for a copy of the story or a tape unless the publication or broadcast is available locally. 找出新闻报道的时间,以及在网上的什么地方可以找到它, 打开你的DVR或者拿起一份报纸. Media Relations also may be able to locate a copy for you through its online clipping service.

如果你认为某件事可能有新闻价值,但又不确定, 随时联系媒体关系部寻求帮助. 以下是传媒共同关注的领域:

  • 研究: 具有公众影响力的成果,以及正在进行的项目. 最好在你的研究发表之前立即发布新闻. If you're working on something big that is about to appear in an academic journal, let us know.
  • 专家的评论新闻媒体希望专家对突发事件发表看法, 区域, 国内和国际新闻. 我们可以帮你写评论文章或社论, and we can let members of the media know you have something important to say. (Consider being added to the UNH Experts list so media may easily find you when searching for commentary.)
  • 公共服务或外展项目: Contact us before you visit a city or town and we can alert local media to your visit.
  • 书: 即将出版的书籍,作者或编辑的.
  • 新的伙伴关系: 与国家机构、项目或研究的伙伴关系.
  • 创新的课程: 分享有关创新课程或项目的新闻.
  • 会议: We can help with advance publicity for 事件, and we will do our best to encourage news coverage. 我们会通知新闻媒体,但不能保证会有记者 .
  • 优秀的学生: Know of a student involved in interesting research or community outreach projects?

This general description should be used when describing UNH to a broad audience:

The University of New Hampshire inspires innovation and transforms lives in our state, 国家与世界. 超过16个,000 students from all 50 states and 71 countries engage with an award-winning faculty in top-ranked programs in business, 工程, 法律, 卫生和公共服务, 文科和理科横跨200多个学习项目. 卡内基R1分类机构, 联合国大学与美国宇航局合作, 美国国家海洋和大气管理局, NSF和NIH, and received $260 million in competitive external funding in FY21 to further explore and define the frontiers of land, 海洋与太空.

Faculty are asked to include the following tagline when submitting an opinion piece to a media outlet:

is a professor of at the University of New Hampshire. The view and opinions expressed are those of the author and do not imply endorsement by UNH
