University Instrumentation Center

Researchers at UIC
Axis Supra XPS

Information for off-campus visitors

  • Visitors to the UIC including suppliers, customers, contractors, and sales people are expected to work closely with the UIC staff to ensure all requirements are being met prior to coming on campus.
  • Dependent on the scope and nature of the visit, approved visitors may be required to provide appropriate testing results or complete a health self-attestation form, they may be required to complete the same CEMS training programs, and they will be required to comply with the University’s COVID-19 requirements and other established guidelines.
  • All UIC visitors must obtain approval from a UIC staff member in advance of their arrival to campus to ensure all requirements are met.
  • Please contact the UIC for more information.

Explore the University Instrumentation Center

Dedicated to the advancement of the research and academic missions of UNH and the surrounding research community.

Open to all faculty, staff, students, non-UNH academic entities, government agencies, and companies.

Powerful new spectrometer to make UNH research hub, advance capabilities. 
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Analytical Instruments

Instrument Procurement & Installation


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View UIC Knowledge Base

The Knowledge Base contains forms, instruction and training material, minutes, policies, tools and other resources to support your research efforts by topic area.

Contact Information

Shawn Banker, Director
University Instrumentation Center
Parsons Hall, Room W123
Phone: (603) 862-3597 

Join the many industrial customers, educational institutes, and government entities who use our analytical and scientific services.

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