
个人防护装备, or PPE, is designed to protect us from workplace hazards that can lead to injuries or illnesses resulting from contact with chemical, physical, electrical, mechanical, radiological or other workplace hazards. The use of PPE can include the use of, or a combination of, protective gloves, eyewear, coveralls, 保护脚和头部, as well as respiratory protection (please refer to the 呼吸防护页面 for information relating to the safe use of respirators).

Selecting 个人防护装备

PPE must be selected with caution as there is no single piece of PPE that will protect you against everything. A glove used for protection against acids might not provide any protection against organic solvents, thus placing an individual at risk of exposure. Selection must be made based on the materials anticipated to be contacted and the tasks required to be conducted. A critical part of the successful use of PPE is ensuring that it is appropriately selected and provided, and properly used. 

OEHS staff can assist with the assessment of hazards at UNH, 正确选择个人防护用品, 并进行正确使用的培训, 个人防护装备的注意事项和限制.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration also offers 永利app新版本官网地址个人防护装备的其他信息.

View Occupational Safety Knowledge Base

知识库包含表单, 指导和培训材料, minutes, policies, tools and other resources to support your research efforts by topic area.

Contact Information

Brian Cournoyer, Occupational Health and Safety Manager
Email: brian.cournoyer@raynoldsnarh.net

Matthew Smith, Occupational Health and Safety Coordinator
Email: matthew.smith@raynoldsnarh.net