Graduate School

Recent Stories

  • Moorhead Appointed President of CGS Regional Affiliate
    - Moorhead Appointed President of CGS Regional Affiliate
    Cari Moorhead, dean of the Graduate School at the University of New Hampshire, 被任命为东北研究生院协会(NAGS)主席, a regional... Read More
  • Three researchers walk through a salt marsh at sunrise
    - Research Snapshot: Early Birds
    联合国大学的研究人员研究了潮汐沼泽麻雀,以了解它们是如何适应在盐沼的恶劣环境中生活的. Read More
  • 一只新英格兰棉尾猴躲在它的天然灌木栖息地的照片
    - Cohabitating with New England Cottontails
    NHAES研究人员的一项新研究发现,为处于危险中的新英格兰棉尾莺恢复栖息地的努力也将使许多以灌木为栖息地的鸟类受益. Read More
  • Hand holding a live fish, Arctic charr
    - Fish Out of Cold Water?
    Nathan Furey, assistant professor of biological sciences. Arctic charr, true to its name, 是一种冷水鱼,在缅因州最南端的湖泊中安家, putting it at... Read More
  • One man hands another an award
    - Canadian Kudos
    Larry Mayer, director of UNH’s Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping, 在2022年加拿大航道测量会议上获得了加拿大航道测量协会的山姆·马斯里奖. Read More
  • Image of Darius Love
    - Igniting the Spark
    光明的服务灯塔是Darius Love的名片,他对神经科学护理和培养他人的领导能力有双重热情. "I did not select a leadership... Read More
  • 研究员Harish Vashisth双手交叉站在黑暗的走廊里
    - Repurposing Drug Compound Could Slow COVID Spread
    Krisztina Varga,分子、细胞和生物医学科学副教授. Photo by Jeremy Gasowski. With the end of the pandemic seemingly nowhere in sight,... Read More
  • True Colors
    - True Colors
    正是紫色的头发第一次让凯姆林·贝瑞(Camryn Berry)觉得,作为一名女性,她在UNH的STEM领域找到了自己的家. 正是一件粉红色的实验服打开了数千人分享她的大门... Read More
  • Graduate School sends off Class of 2022
    - Graduate School sends off Class of 2022
    美国永利app新版本官网地址研究生院25日在纪念球场举行了毕业典礼, May 20, the first of five commencement ceremonies celebrated on the... Read More
  • Alioune Mzeirigue headshot
    - Promoting Peace and Human Security
    For Alioune Mzeirigue, 当前世界局势动荡,激发了促进和平与人类安全的热情. Now, he's pursuing a master's in global conflict and... Read More